This series of poems and portraits were part of a solo show held in 2019.
It was work completed over an 18 month period during a very dark and difficult time.
This personal project highlighted to me the importance of the creative and future focused things to provide hope and purpose during times of great pain and hardship.
These pieces unfolded over time.
The poems came AFTER the artworks were done.
The artworks developed and changed as I made them.
In reflecting on the final works and poems, which are very bright and colourful and life-filled, I came to realise that these pieces were in fact statements of faith:
In a place of no comfort - I will remember that God is a God of all comfort and there will be a time when comfort will come.
In a place of no hope - I will remember that hope will come.
In a place of no intimacy, where I do not feel beautiful or delighted over - I will remember that this too will come, that God will redeem and restore this in my life.
In a place of no rest or stillness or peace - I will remember that God is my peace and rest and that there will be a time when I can stop and rest in Him.
I am so grateful to God for these pieces and time of creativity. I see them as life savers in a sea of emotional turmoil. In a place I could not hear or see God, I am surprised that God's Spirit had voice through these artworks and words. They remind me that He was there. He was always there.
What a gracious God to grant us the ability to be creative.
What a loving God we serve who knows what we need - even when we do not at the time.