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Philippa Hays

I really like blue wrens

They are small, hidden a lot of the time

but oh so beautiful, fragile and full to overflowing with energy and life.

Do you want to know why I really like blue wrens?

They are reminder of a truth God spoke to me many years ago

A revelation of how he thinks of me, about how valuable I am.

You see, I used to see myself much like a brown sparrow:

small, insignificant and hidden - not very special or valuable in any way.

A brown sparrow works hard, stays out of sight and to most of us, out of mind.

Sadly I thought thats how God saw me: a brown sparrow.

Until one day.

I can’t remember the exact time, but as if from no-where, a blue wren appeared bobbing across the lawn in front of me.

Then God’s quiet, gentle and loving voice spoke

His Holy Spirit whispering into my own:

“You are my blue wren, NOT a brown sparrow.

You are precious and beautiful to me.”

Something hard and sad inside cracked that day.

God still speaks into that space of my heart

Even now in significant times of my life,

God has sent blue wrens to remind me that he is there.

A reminder that I am valuable and beautiful to him.

Maybe you think this is weird.

Maybe you are thinking God wouldn’t want to speak to me in this way

Well, I don’t think so.

God wants you know how precious you are to him.

He wants to find something that only you and He share

Something that communicates His truth to you in a real and tangible way.

As His child, ask him to share His heart with you,

ask him to reveal his love toward you.

He is your Father God and oh, how he delights in you!

Dear one, be still, be expectant, and be patient

He will speak, He will reveal himself to you

Generally when you least expect it.

Maybe his voice will come in the comfort of a hug

Maybe in the beauty of a sunset, maybe in the stars of the night sky

Maybe in the wonder of a little blue wren…

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