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Philippa Hays

On the conveyor belt of eternity, a song is born.

An astonishing melody crafted by the Divine creator to be sung as a duet.

With gentle hands the song is lovingly stitched into a human heart.

The melody given is unique. Fragile as a butterfly yet strong enough to change the world when sung with its author.

A baby is born. A miracle personified. Their heart resonating with the melody stitched within. For those who stop to listen the song brings hope, joy and life.

Heaven waits with baited breath. So too does the author of this divine melody.

Will they stop and listen to the melody in their heart?

Will they discover that their hearts were made to sing this song with their creator?

Some hide the song thinking it is not important, or just a result of chance.

Some cannot hear the song as the pain in their lives scream too loudly for them to hear anything else.

Some wonder why the song is there and try to find earthly things to accompany it. But all they get is dischord or a shallow tune.

Some hear the song and, in wonder, look heavenward. Understanding that the song was never theirs but somehow given by one greater than themselves. In gratefulness and earnest seeking they discover the true author and together they sing…

A song of such wonder, such joy, such life!

A duet that brings heaven to earth and changes things forever.

Oh how the earth needs to hear the song placed within each of our hearts! Our lives become the instrument – the voice through which the melody can be heard.

It is a song of unconditional love,

A song of life and freedom,

A song of truth and victory,

A song of peace and hope.

If only we knew how precious we are. If only we knew how significant. If only we would look up and seek the true author of our song.

A creator who smiles when they think of us. Who, in the delight of us, bursts into song over our lives, waiting patiently for an invitation to sing the song with us. The song our hearts were made to sing.

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