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Rest my love

Philippa Hays

True rest

Is can be as elusive as a rare gem

It can be difficult to achieve with the screaming noise of our lives

It can be impossible if our hearts are closed.

True rest

It can be found in the hug of a mother's bosom

in the embrace of the one we love

in the company of one we cherish and feel safe.

A divine wonder grounded in contentment, safety and peace.

Rest my love

It is a call to be still

A call to receive

To rest means we need to cease our DOing, our achieving, our striving.

To rest and receive love - well that is another matter.

It requires humility, grace and forgiveness

It demands an open and soft heart.

Oh how I find it hard to rest at times!

Rest my love

It is the whisper of a mother to her sleepy child

It is the caress of a lover

It is the comfortable quiet of two friends who know each other well.

It is still small voice of our Creator speaking to our spirit.

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