Waiting for that small quiet voice to come.
At times, it would take hours for the screaming of my concerns,
fears, recounting of events, to settle.
At times I would be writing furiously to document and share
with my God the torrent of emotions.
Letters and words that enabled me to unpack hidden thoughts
and hidden beliefs at the core of my agitation.
Rock Sitting
Finally waiting, finally looking at creation around me.
At times that small quiet voice would gently speak into
my mind with simple words piercing my spirit, a healing balm,
speaking truth to the innermost places.
At times his creation would speak his words - showing profound truths
in his created landscape, a flower, a bird.
Rock sitting
Much harder to do now: Marriage, kids, work - all vying for my time and attention.
At times I get small snippets of rock sitting time:
a cuppa with God and my journal,
a song on the radio that speaks as I drive from one appointment to another.
That small quiet voice speaking exactly what my spirit needs to know in times of desperation as I travel 100km per hour down Sutton road to home.
Rock sitting
A time of focus, reflection, handing things over.
Father God is present, listening.
Whatever the season is, our gracious God is with us.
He desires that we know him more, to share our lives with him more,
that we might know his love more.
What a gracious God!
That he chooses to join us today - now.
Not only as I write this note, but even as you read it: a little rock sit with him.