Something gone Something taken away from us Suddenly or over time A death A sorrow.
Grief Feeling overwhelmed Feeling nothing Confusion Darkness A pain at the emptiness A sorrow at what has been lost.
Grief It cannot be ‘fixed’ It cannot be recovered or returned Questions of ‘why?’ Emptiness and sorrow at hopes dashed, plans gone, a future changed.
Grief Wanting to hide from the emotions Feeling uncertain on how to deal with things Stressed, teary, concerned about what else could be taken away.
Grief with Daddy God Not angry at him – no response whatsoever at present. Knowing he is there – but not feeling him Knowing he cares – but uncertain of how much at present Knowing he loves me – but not wanting to be comforted.
Grief My old coat of grief Such familiar territory – such familiar emotions.
Do I expect them? Do I assume my life will be one full of grief, that this coat will never be taken away?
I feel I have forgotten where to find my garment of praise. I do not know how to put it on.
Grief. A heaviness You say put on the garment of praise This is too hard for me to do.
Comfort. You carry me. You call me on a dance of comfort with you. You remind me and show me that in the dance of comfort YOU will cover me with YOUR garment of praise while I am rested in your arms.
Cover me Lord in your comfort.
I need to remember the days of praise, the days of joy.