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44: In the Temple oF Joy

Philippa Hays

To enter the temple proper, one must walk through the doorway of the cross.

Only you can come - no coat of grief, no suitcase of core beliefs, no flower of friendship. Just empty hands.

Although you might find it hard, you must be dressed properly with your Robe of Righteousness and Garment of Praise on.

I was surprised when I entered the temple of joy.

It was a ballroom. There were chairs around the edges.

And there, standing in the middle with hands outstretched, was Father God.

He was wanting to dance with me.

Father God, the one who reveals his love to us. Father God, the one Jesus brings us to.

He was wanting to dance with me.

I ran away.

I have moved to and from the room of preparation and the temple of joy so many times.

At times I even left the temple of joy God has made for me altogether, preferring the road to nowhere rather than face my fears and trust the one who loves me so.

I have spent many a day sitting in one of the chairs around the edges of this ballroom. Eyes downcast, not wanting to engage with a God who desires me to know him so.

But our amazing Father God waits.

He waits for us to come to the ballroom He waits for us to come into his loving arms He waits for us to put our hands in his He waits for us to let him guide us in a dance. He waits for us to look into his face and know his love.

It is a dance of love It is a dance of life It is a dance of trust.

At times I have danced in joy with him. At times I have danced in pain, grief and tears.

But the wonder I have discovered and am still discovering day by day, is this is where God wants us to be, in his arms on the dance floor with him.

I am not a good dancer. I am reluctant. I am fearful and at times ashamed to come to him. So I sit on the chair, I disengage.

But then there are times when I dance with him.

What joy, what wonder, what love!

Ah the temple of joy is where God desires us all to come.

He desires us to journey with him to the place he has made for us.

A place we can dwell with him.

A place we can live in safety and know his grace and unfailing love.

A place we can learn to live again, learn to love again and so be able to share his love, light and truth to this hurting world.


esus knows the way, and Father God is waiting - arms outstretched.

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