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5: Who is God like?

Philippa Hays

I think it is one of the most important questions we can ask.

I think it is one of the most important questions we can seek out and find the answer to.


Some say say God is an unknowable power. That this power is in everyone and everything and that this power is absolute love. Evil deeds and good deeds are rewarded by good and bad Karma in this life, and in future lives lived.

We are not able to know this loving power, but we are able to draw near to it by good works, love and discipline and control of our actions, emotions and life. The ultimate aim is to find nirvana where we all will become as a drop in a bucket - without identity or uniqueness - just one with this unknowable loving power.


Some say God does not exist at all. That we are alone in this world and the universe. That our existence is a cataclysmic incident or accident, and all that we know and understand of our world today has occurred by chance. In the absence of any God, our complex and beautiful world has, over millennia evolved from simple to highly complex life forms which have diversified due to environmental factors. Our existence is testament of survival of the fittest and clever genes and successful reproduction. Our ancestors are therefore animals and animal behaviour is normal.

Morals and values, belief/religion, the term evil and good, are cultural constructs from our higher level thinking brains to try and make sense of our world. As a society of humans we must make decisions on what benefits this society and allows us to survive. To inhibit our natural desires is ultimately meaningless - unless you as an individual attach meaning to them.

Our purpose of existence is to then survive, enjoy life as much as you can and pass on our genes to the next generation. We must protect ourselves and our world from all harm as our sole purpose is to survive. The most important things we can do from an evolutionary perspective is to procreate as when we die we will merely be food for the worms as the cycle of life continues.


Some say God is an all powerful authority. Singular, strong, all knowing, demanding obedience to obtain heavenly rewards. A God who has revealed himself. We cannot be in relationship with him. For he is all powerful. We cannot communicate with him, or petition him, or share with him our needs. He is God and we are human. He sits above - we sit below. Good works and obedience are demanded and all will be held accountable for their actions. A heavenly reward is dependent on our faithful service and obedient acts.


Some say there are hundreds of Gods. Each unique in its own power and dominion. Each God seeks our worship and appeasement to ensure a blessed life. Ritual, sacrifice, strict discipline are all a part of our dutiful requirement in this life to obtain their blessing/protection. Without their protection and blessing we are open to evil and pain of all kinds. Pending on how well we have lived, will depend on what our next life will bring. We are subservient to these Gods. They are known, but they are above, we are below. They are Gods, we are not. We can petition them, we can serve them - but they are not interested in the day-to-day cares of our lives. They do not know us. They are all powerful and must be served, we are powerless and need their protection from the evil about us.


Strangely, one man came and claimed that he knew what God was really like.

In fact he ridiculously claimed that he was God and that his life was an example of who God was.

What did this man say this God was like?

He wants to be known as ‘Father’. Not an unknowing, distant or unknowable divine being. But one who seeks the closest of relationships. A relationship of unconditional love, protection and intimacy.

He is triune, that is:

- He is a God who at His core is innately relational

- out of this relationship springs true love, life and delight.

- as community they are accountable and limit their actions to be loving at all times.

He is unique and loves uniqueness. As a triune God - he is absolutely unique. He is three unique individuals working as one (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). This uniqueness is cherished and essential in their love for one other.

He is creator. That he made all things for his pleasure in love. That beauty found in our world is an expression of his personally. That we have been created for that purpose, to be in relationship with him and to bring him pleasure and delight.

He is holy, good, all powerful and just. It is he who limits the extent of evil in our world because he wants to reveal his love and grace. It is he who will bring true justice underpinned by love. Evil is not be ignored as it destroys love and life. Holiness is unachievable by our hard work, rituals, deeds or our understanding of goodness, in as much as a dirty glass of water cannot make itself clean.

He is engaged. He does not want us to be alone. He wants us to know that this life does have purpose and significance. So much so that he left heaven to be with man. Not God above, man below - but God in man’s world. God in human flesh: Jesus Christ. A testament to the level of love and determination of this God that we would know him for who he really is.


Who is God like?

I think it is one of the most important questions we can ask.

I think it is one of the most important questions we can answer and seek out.

Who is God like? I have discovered that he is like Jesus.

I have discovered that he reflects with such wonder the world he has made. That is he all knowing, and relational to the core That he is all powerful, but is gentle and humble in heart That he is all loving and can only act out of love That he has come to my world to reveal himself, to bring his created home, to redeem what has been broken, lost, and what has died.

That through this Jesus, I can know this God, I can relate to him, I can be free from the things that have bound me, I can revel in my uniqueness and know life in him.

Who is God like?

Yeh - I think it is one of the most important questions we can answer and seek out.

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